THANK YOU to the 980+ attendees who joined us for the MARS 2025 Winter Meeting

Recap is available here X

MARS is proud to support the development of future leaders who will become tomorrow’s rail shippers and rail industry providers.   We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the Bernard J. Thomas and Craig Longardner scholarships.


Bernard J. Thomas Scholarship Award, Craig Longardner Scholarship Award & MARS Scholarship Fund

The Midwest Association of Rail Shippers Scholarship Fund is a reflection of the MARS membership and the future students that plan to make contributions to professional positions and industries across the nation. Scholarships are awarded at the sole discretion of MARS Scholarship committee and are granted on a competitive basis. Awards will be made on an annual basis in the spring semester, requiring application and review for each calendar year.

The Bernard J. Thomas Scholarship Award is presented to the top rated scholarship applicant. The honorary scholarship award is in the amount of $5,000. Bernard J. Thomas was an integral part in the foundation of the MARS Scholarship Fund in 2008 and strong contributor to the MARS organization.

The Craig Longardner Scholarship Award is presented to an individual applicant pursuing a degree in logistics, transportation or supply chain management at an accredited university.  The Scholarship award is in the amount of $3,000.  Craig Longardner has been an advocate of establishing and guiding the MARS scholarship program and the Young Professionals Group.

The MARS 2025 Scholarship Application is now closed. Recipients will be announced in the spring.


2024 Scholarship Recipients

2023 Scholarship Recipients
2022 Scholarship Recipients

  MARS Scholarship Fund Guidelines
  Craig Longardner Scholarship Guidelines

Questions regarding this application can be addressed by emailing the association office at .

Scholarship FAQs


How are recipients selected?

Scholarship recipients will be chosen from qualified students who meet the eligibility requirements, complete the application meeting all requirements, and submit before the application deadline on January 31st. Scholarship applicants will be selected according to merit on a competitive basis. The scholarship committee will select the recipients by evaluating each eligible student’s academic performance, personal statement, commitment to the program in which they are enrolled, and community involvement in the way of extracurricular activities and employment history.

What are the application requirements?
  1. A completed application form (available for download or completed via PDF form) postmarked by January 31st
  2. An official transcript submitted from applicant’s institution
  3. Personal Statement addressing the following:
    • Why have you chosen this field of study?
    • Why have you chosen this particular college or university?
    • What are your professional short and long term objectives?
  4. If available, additional listing of extracurricular activities and/or work history
  5. A signed application
What is the amount of the scholarship(s)?

The MARS Scholarship committee is allocated $50,000 in addition to the $5,000 Bernard J. Thomas Scholarship Award. The top applicant as determined by the committee will be awarded the Bernard J. Thomas Award. Subsequent to the Bernard J. Thomas Award, the committee is allowed discretionary authority to allocate awards and amounts based upon merit and quality of qualified applicants.

The Craig Longardner Scholarship is in the amount of $3,000.  The top applicant in the group will receive the award as judged by the scholarship committee on merit and quality of the application.

Please Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the scholarship committee receives all required application materials. It also the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that ALL application requirements are met. If not, applications will be ineligible.

Who is eligible?

MARS Scholarship fund and Bernard J Thomas Scholarships are offered to applicants who are children or grandchildren of MARS members, enrolled as full-time undergraduate students at accredited four year colleges or universities. All applicants must show a demonstrated commitment in the program in which they are enrolled.

The Craig Longardner Scholarship Award is presented to an individual applicant pursuing a degree in logistics, transportation or supply chain management at an accredited university. This individual does not have to be a child or grandchild of a MARS member.

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